by FTA Staff | Oct 14, 2022
Hi! Hello! Here we are with some bite sized goodies and a taste of some new things that we dug that came out in the last week(ish), quick fire responses to some great new music we think you should check out. This week Chantal, Kate and Mike weighed in on some killer songs, so give em a listen!
As always, if you’re in a band or from a label, don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know about you! If we dig ya, you’ll get a nod in the column. Read on to find out what we dug the last week or so and check back every Friday to see more:
Big Joanie– Sainted. Ahead of their upcoming second album, Back Home, the London based trio has shared a few singles and just in time for spooky season dropped this synthy jam. “Sainted” sees them leaning a bit away from their straight ahead indie rock sensibilities and fully into an 80s inspired goth mood, echoing the electro turn of their most recent single “Confident Man.” Paired with “Sainted” is a beautifully shot, ominous and witchy themed video. Back Home is out 11/4 via Kill Rock Stars. [KH]
Black Belt Eagle Scout– Don’t Give Up. Black Belt Eagle Scout is the project of Swinomish, WA-based multi-instrumentalist Katherine Paul and “Don’t Give Up,” is her first new music since 2019’s At the Party With My Brown Friends. A beautiful and gossamery indie song built around Paul’s luminous vocals, “‘Don’t Give Up’ is a song about mental health awareness and the importance that my connection to the land plays within my own mental health journey,” says Paul. She further elaborated saying: “Spending time with the land and on the water are ways that strengthen my connection to my ancestors and to my culture. It helps heal my spirit and is the form of self-care that helps me the most. The lyrics ‘I don’t give up’ mean staying alive. I wrote this song for me but also for my community and anyone who deals with challenging mental health issues to remind us just how much of a role our connection to the environment plays within our healing process. At the end of the song when I sing ‘the land, the water, the sky,’ I wanted to sing it like my late grandfather Alexander Paul Sr. sang in our family’s big drum group – from the heart.”
In conjunction with “Don’t Give Up,” Black Belt Eagle Scout is offering a special charity t-shirt design by artist Willow Tomeo benefiting the Chief Seattle Club, an organization that helps houseless Natives in Seattle get off the street. Seattle happens to be one of the biggest places for the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and People epidemic. Having a safe place to turn to like Chief Seattle Club could help some people have an option to get out of human trafficking. Shirts are available for purchase here.
She will also feature on Dig Me In: A Dig Me Out Covers Album, the upcoming Sleater Kinney covers album out October 21st. [KH]
Bleached– Flip It. The LA based duo of sisters Jennifer and Jessica Clavin have released a brand new single, “Flip It,” which is their first new music since their 2020 song, “Stupid Boys.” This one is a catchy as hell slice of the brand of punky power pop that the band is known for and be warned, it will run around your head a few times after it’s over. In a press release Jessica Clavin said “I was thinking of the way I speak to myself and I never realized how hard I could be on myself,” continuing, “I’m becoming way more aware of my inner voice… When I’m going through a day and I’m just feeling extra challenged, I now think about flipping it.” Advice we can all take to heart. [KH]
Brutus– What Have We Done. The final single from Belgian post hardcore trio Brutus’ anticipated new album, Unison Life (10/21 Sargent House), this one builds slowly and is a serious emotional gut punch. You can practically feel the anguish radiating off of vocalist/drummer Stefanie Mannaerts as she delivers the line “for too long I’ve been dying inside” as it tingles all the way up your spine. She said on this “The song embodies what was going on at the time of writing, in the middle of the pandemic. It is about suffering for too long and you have had enough. The verse echoes the mutual feeling we sometimes have as humans with too much going on in our heads and getting stuck in the same loop.” And that is something all of us can relate to and find solace in after some very difficult times living through the pandemic and untold numbers of tragic events the last several years.
Mannaerts also added that the band felt it was a “defining song” for them, elaborating “For some reason, this new piece of music felt like both a turning point and an intersection. In our history of being a band, this feeling came only a few times before, with the songs “Bearclaws,” “Justice de Julia II,” and “War.” Key songs such as these are challenging, but also feel like coming home at the same time. They define who you are as a band.” [KH]
Dead Meadow– The Left Hand Path. Heavy psych greats Dead Meadow have announced a new album, Force Free Form, and shared the first single from it, the instrumental smokey slow burner “The Left Hand Path.” The track comes paired with a hallucinatory visualizer that weaves subtle and not so subtle commentary on society and our reliance on tech into it and fits perfectly with the vibe of the song. The full album arrives on 12/9 via Blues Funeral Recordings. [KH]
Dry Cleaning– No Decent Shoes for Rain. On the latest single from Stumpwork (out 10/21 on 4AD) singer Florence Shaw’s speak-singing vocals come down on the side of spoken, delivered in a deadpan way. Is this a poem, prose, or lyrics? Either way, the words twine into the looping, yet ever forward moving music well, a bit Black Box Recorder meets Slint. Shaw says the track is about grieving, both over death of people and relationships. Dry Cleaning is currently on tour, although they won’t make an appearance here in NYC until next February when they play Pioneer Works. [CW]
Hammered Hulls– Needlepoint Tiger. The third single from the DC super group featuring members of Helium, The Faith, The Make-Up, Titus Andronicus (and many more), each one seems to get better than the last and shows off more and more of the band’s strong points. This one is driven by a lithe bass line courtesy of Mary Timony and leans very much into the groovier side of the DC post hardcore sound, a sound and ethos that the band members helped define in their past projects. The album was produced by front man Alec MacKaye’s older brother, Ian MacKaye, and drops on 10/28 via Dischord. They will next play NYC on 12/2 at TV Eye. [KH]
JFDR– The Orchid. Jófríður Ákadóttir is a songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Iceland with an extensive resume, both as a member of Samaris and Pascal Pinon and as a collaborator and composer. Under JFDR she has released two solo albums, and has a new single now for her signing to Houndstooth. The song has gorgeous music box like quality, and is backed up by an equally enchanting music video directed by Joseph Burgess. Ákadóttir confesses to a bit of an obsession with orchids, calling them “a very cunning flower… Fertility, creativity, beauty and mystery are all embodied by the orchid.” [CW]
Jobber– Heel Turn. Another slice of 90s inspired alt grunge perfection from this group, the third single and closing track from their upcoming debut EP Hell In A Cell (10/21 Exploding In Sound). In all the best ways this reminds me of Belly meets Veruca Salt meets Siamese Dream era Smashing Pumpkins with a wonderful push and pull between the vocals, lead guitar line and booming toms before the chorus soars and swirls around you.
The song again fits in with the pro wrestling as metaphors for life theme of the EP, with it serving as the clever framework and entry point to dealing with the bullshit of real life. Vocalist/guitarist Kate Meizner recently spoke to Paste to elaborate more on this. They will next play Brooklyn at Alphaville on 11/5 with TVOD. [KH]
LaPeche– I’ve been jonesin’ for another cool dose of LaPeche since heir last single, “Mermaid Blues,” has been wearing down my phone battery on Spotify repeat since July. Just in time for Fall, the band dropped a new single on New Grenada Records last week “Slight,” a smart and dance-y number that washes over you like saltwater on your skin. The quartet (vocalist Krista Diem, bassist Dave Diem, guitarist Drew DeMaio and drummer Richard Salino) once again shows their mastery of composition and texture in structure and arrangement, taking subtle but unexpected turns that just somehow always feel right. The most satisfying hook though lies in the guitar and vocal lines that twist and wrap around like a fuzzy blanket on crisp autumn morning. Fingers crossed this means another full length is on the way, as their last LP Blood on the Water has remained a regular favorite on our turntable since it’s release last year. [MB]
Los Bitchos– Los Chrismos. Let the (Christmas) Festivities Begin! The tequila fueled Cumbia/psych (mostly) instrumental party band have kicked off the holiday season early with their brand new Christmas song, “Los Chrismos,” which fits perfectly into their existing body of danceable work and will sure to be a hit at the club or the office holiday party. The Bitchos are also ready to stuff your stockings with Christmas themed jumpers and a special edition of their debut album, Let The Festivities Begin!, which has been pressed on a limited run 180gram red/green/white vinyl and comes with a flexi picture disc featuring “Los Chrismos,” and its b-side “Tipp Tapp,” along with a sticker sheet; the package and shirts are available for pre-order now via their Bandcamp page.
And while I personally have never been much of a fan of holiday music, “Los Chrismos” just might be the song to finally thaw this grinch out a bit because it is an ear worm that I’ve already hit repeat on more than once. I recently caught up with the band at a gig while I was in the UK and you can see pics from that here. [KH]
Roid Rage– Incision. This band just recently came to my attention and reading their self description on Bandcamp as “ragged garage punk band powered by drip coffee and cheap beer. Hailing from the epicenter of progressive culture (Akron, Ohio), they are a pure distillation of underground rock music and their grimy rust belt surroundings,” and then taking a listen to this one this was a “oh hell fucking yes!” moment for me.
I’ve spent more time listening to garage punk than most anything else the last few years so I’m always down check out new/new to me artists. This is the second single they’ve released this year after the bruising and intense “Two Ton Man,” and I’ve had fun digging into their back catalog as well. They also share their drummer, Matt Schulz, with a long time favorite of mine, Holy Fuck, who has played with SAVAK and Fake Names. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for their next stop in NYC. [KH]
Russian Baths– Done and Dead / Rise Again. Russian Baths are a two piece (Jess Rees and Luke Koz) but this remotely recorded song features 14 instruments, including strings from Julia Stein and Akita Goto. The track, the first of two singles released together, finds them in gentler territory at first glance. Yet while this post-rock tune is beautiful, paired with the unsettling lyrics it becomes a haunting tale of sleep paralysis (both literal and metaphorical?) As the band says on their Bandcamp page, “Sometimes, people are awake, but can’t move. Sometimes, you can’t do anything and if you try, it gets worse.”
The other single, “Rise Again,” is more energetic, a dark slice of post-punky shoegaze with a driving rhythm and hypnotic guitar lines. It forms a companion and a counterpoint both in music and theme, as the band notes “this song is about sole survivors, insomnia, guilt, and forced adaptation.” The dual A-sides are out now on Good Eye Records. [CW]
Sales– July. The crisp vocal production belies the bedroom pop feel of this track, which otherwise might have convinced me it came from the early cassette driven 90s era and might have been passed through zine and tape trading networks. But this is very firmly of the now and representative of the best of the dreamy bedroom style that has made a big resurgence over the past several years. [KH]
Weeping Icon– Pigs, Shit & Trash. We’re big fans of the Brooklyn based noise punk group here at FTA (see our recent live coverage) and we are very excited for this, the first single from their just announced EP Ocelli (11/18 Fire Talk) which is their first new music since their 2019 self titled full length. A rapid fire noisy ripper, it really shows off the punkier side of their sound. This band has never minced words and always packs a political punch, with this song being inspired by the fly that landed on Mike Pence’s head during the Vice Presidential debate in 2020. Drummer/vocalist Lani Combier-Kapel explained more saying :
“I was in NYC, where I was born and raised, and where my family still lives. As I watched transplants sneak away to their isolated farms or country houses, I was trapped in a crowded 4 bedroom apartment. Surrounded by death, I was confused, terrified for my aging parents’ health, and looking for any semblance of hope that things could turn around. Around that same time, uprisings and protests for Black Lives Matter were happening every day in NYC – I had good friends who were beaten by police officers and jailed for standing up for what was right. It became blatantly obvious that the government simply wasn’t working for the people and had no clue how to help. These government officials just feel so untouchable – like we can meme them and make jokes about them but at the end of the day, they get to go home to their wives and million dollar mansions and live in their own bubble, not be bothered by the troubles of the world that they created.
When the electoral debates came around, I thought it was very fitting that a fly landed on top of Mike Pence’s head, right when he was talking some bullshit about race in America. I loved that moment, that this fly just randomly shat and vomited on this guy’s head (as flies are known to do to everything they land on). I started imagining this fly as some kind of antihero, claiming one tiny bit of revenge on national TV – a heroic villain attracted to pigs, shit, and trash.”
The song is also paired with an excellent and satirical music video directed by Alice Millar. [KH]
by FTA Staff | Oct 7, 2022
Hi! Hello! Here we are with some bite sized goodies and a taste of some new things that we dug that came out in the last week(ish), quick fire responses to some great new music we think you should check out. This week Chantal and Kate weighed in on some killer songs, so give em a listen!
As always, if you’re in a band or from a label, don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know about you! If we dig ya, you’ll get a nod in the column. Read on to find out what we dug the last week or so:
Babehoven– Often. The closer for the upcoming debut album, Light Moving Time, from the Hudson, NY band, “Often” is a subdued and dreamy offering built around an acoustic guitar and Maya Bon’s vocals with subtle bass and other instrumentation augmenting. The song is about loss that frames pain as a person sitting in the backseat of her car. “‘Often’ is a song about grief, about holding love for a person I’ve lost, about trying to let go and find new paths for myself,” says Bon. “This song changed my life when I wrote it and has provided clarity for me in times of chaos. I hope that, through sharing it, others will find in it comfort and clarity, too.” The song comes paired with a video that was directed by Kevin Prince and features footage from around the Hudson Valley, loosely following two characters through various moments in time. Light Moving Time is out 10/28 via Double Double Whammy. [KH]
GIFT – Share The Present. This ode to the present and intentional presence of mind is a slice of brightly melodic 80’s tinged dreampop that puts me in mind of a synthy Pains of Being Pure at Heart. Their debut album Momentary Presence will be out on new label Dedstrange on 10/14; catch the release show at The Sultan Room next week as well (10/15). [CW]
Jobber– Hell In A Cell. If I didn’t know any better and no one told me, I could listen to this song and think I was listening to a band directly out of 1993. And I consider that a good thing because the golden age of early 90s alt rock/grunge (and the year 1993 in particular) was my first real intro to rock music which went on to shape a massive portion of my life/who I am as a person. So I’ve very much enjoyed this recent resurgence of grungier bands. This is the title track from their upcoming debut EP and it seems as if this song (and the EP as a whole) are built around references to pro wrestling…yes, pro wrestling. The song even comes complete with a wrestling themed video directed by Steve Marrucci.
But of course, all is not as it seems and these aren’t actually songs directly about Hulk Hogan and Co. The wrestling framework serves as the entry point through which we see Jobber’s worldview, with the songs actually being about deeper topics, vocalist/guitarist Kate Meizner explaining via a press release “‘Hell In A Cell’ is basically an allegory. On its surface, it’s a narrative about a fictional wrestler mentally preparing for a match and questioning whether it’s worth it to put her body on the line for the sake of spectacle” continuing, “Pulling back the curtain a bit, the lyrics are pretty personal and came out at a time when my job was having an especially negative impact on my health. I wanted to quit so badly, but in the midst of Covid-19 related layoffs and economic downturn, everyone was being bludgeoned with anti-labor talking points like “why are you complaining about your job? You should feel grateful to even have a job!” The lyrics “Am I ungracious?/ Because I won’t turn water into wine/ Am I buried forever?/ If I start speaking my mind” are from the POV of the wrestler, but also came from a personal place, expressing my anger toward workplaces and their horrendous, exploitative treatment of workers.”
Meizner also said she drew inspiration from Helmet’s Betty which is obvious but not overbearing and the band has lots of pop sensibilities too which shine in the quieter passages of the song. Hell In A Cell is due out on 10/21 via Exploding In Sound.
Junior Boys– Waiting Game. Junior Boys continue to deliver their brand of darkly catchy synth pop, albeit a bit moodier and less dancy, on this single from their first album since 2016. The chilled out vibes pair well with the theme of waiting around with time on your hands. Listen while watching the John Smith directed music video, an homage to Michael Snow’s ’67 experimental film Wavelength. [CW]
Moon Walker– Turn Off This Song (Before It Takes Your Soul). This 5th single from Moon Walker’s sophomore LP The Attack Of Mirrors is a disco-flavored warning about surveillance and propaganda. (“Can’t trust no radio, cause they got something to sell you / And don’t pick up the telephone cause you never know who’s calling you, do you?”) They’ll be at the Bowery Electric this Saturday (10/8) with The Crystal Casino Band, Sauce City, and Tender Glue. [CW]
Sharon Van Etten– Never Gonna Change. When I saw SVE play at SummerStage back in August as part of the breathtaking Wild Hearts Tour (with Angel Olsen and Julien Baker, see our coverage), it took me a while to get over her set, her performance of “Headspace” alone had me reeling for a solid week. Now she has announced a deluxe edition of her wonderful album, We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong, which will compile the stand alone singles “Porta,” and “Used To It,” along with two previously unreleased bonus tracks “When I Die,” and “Never Gonna Change,” for the “most complete presentation of Van Etten’s 2022.”
“Never Gonna Change” was co-produced by Van Etten and Daniel Knowles, and in a press release she says the song “is about managing depression and anxiety in the midst of isolation,” continuing “Coping with recurring fears throughout adulthood, acknowledging that flaws, fears and triggers can’t be overcome, they are a constant part of one’s identity to learn to be at peace with,” making for powerful and cathartic song we can surely all relate to on a deep level and find solace in as we continue to navigate a confusing post-pandemic world. We’ve Been Going About This All Wrong deluxe edition will be out 11/11via Jagjaguwar. [KH]
Special Interest– Foul. A little more forceful than some of their groovier tracks, this song features call and response style vocals over a blast of minimalist fuzzy punk that makes me wonder if this is about an awful service industry job – 86 hope, hey we’ve all said that. (ETA: yep, according to the band this is indeed “a dispatch from the dish pit.”) They’ll be in NYC on 12/8 at Bowery Ballroom. [CW]
T.S. Tadin– It’s a Drag. This Canadian-turned-New Yorker (Pleasant Valley, to be exact) brings us a catchy piece of pop with jangly piano and winding fuzzy guitar lines. Tadin mixes singer-songwriter sensibilities with a classic full band sound on this first single from his upcoming album Pretty Boring. The single release is this weekend (10/9) at Pete’s Candy Store. [CW]
TVOD– Alien. The latest from one of the most energetic and exciting bands currently gigging in Brooklyn, this one has been a live staple for a while, and is one that always gets the crowd amped up and jumping around. Capturing the dynamic energy of this band in the recorded setting surely isn’t an easy feat but one that producer Michael Abiuso deftly pulled off. I love this song musically and also can’t help but really relate to the lyrics “And when I dream I think I’m somebody else, somebody with better mental health.” After the last few years we have all collectively lumbered through, I think most of us are in the same boat. As of now it’s a stand alone single not attached to a full length, but here’s hoping there is more soon in the works. The band kicked off a tour this week and will be playing dates across the northeast and Canada. [KH]
by FTA Staff | Oct 7, 2022
Hello and welcome to FTA’s list of what we are excited for this Bandcamp Friday, aka every music nerds favorite day! A bunch of us weighed in on what we’ve been into lately and we’ve got plenty of goodies old and new for you to dig into over a wide range of genres. But don’t take our word for it, dive into these tracks/albums and judge for yourself. Feel free to let us know what you think and tell us your suggestions.
Check out our past lists from April, May, June and September 2022.
Kate Hoos- Editor In Chief
IZAGUF– Not So Sweet and Still Low. A very interesting collection of slowed down and sludged out Fugazi covers which is described as “Nine Fugazi tracks performed at exactly half-pace and dragged through a thick, moldy swamp via producer, engineer, and multi-instrumentalist Aaron D.C. Edge of Hellvetika. This comes complete with instrumental “musac for metalheads” versions,” and anyone who reads this blog regularly will know that this ticks a lot of boxes for me—interesting covers that make the song their own, some of my favorite Fugazi songs, and the inclusion of the instrumental versions to really put the cherry on top. It even got an endorsement from Guy Picciotto who said “Hey Aaron – just wanted to send props for these Izaguf covers. They’re fucking crushing! thx for engaging with the songs.”
Lung– Let It Be Gone. The latest from this bombastic cello and drums due from Cincinnati who also happen to be one of the hardest working DIY bands going and one of my all time favorites. They keep getting better and better with every release and this one is no different. And in fact this newest collection of songs showcases a new refined poise and a slightly more subdued sound from their previous highly intense offerings, though the songs are no less emotional and cathartic despite the dialed back approach; it’s a direction I’m very happy to hear and embrace. They are currently on tour with Mac Sabbath and will make their first stop in NYC since before the pandemic on 10/21 at Brooklyn Bowl.
Good Music to Ensure Safe Abortion Access to All– Act fast on this one because it’s only available for one day. Per the Bandcamp page, this “is a compilation made up entirely of previously unreleased recordings from some of the most important names in music today. The album features never-before-heard new songs, covers, remixes, live versions, and unreleased demos from incredible artists across many genres. The collection is available exclusively for 24 hours only via Bandcamp TODAY Friday, October 7”
For $19.73 minimum donation you get 49 songs from prominent artists like Bully, Death Cab, Fleet Foxes, King Gizzard, Maya Hawke, Sunflower Bean and many more. There’s also limited edition shirts for pre-order that were designed by Kim Gordon. Proceeds go to benefit Brigid Alliance, Abortion Care Network and Noise For Now. Brigid Alliance is a referral-based service that provides travel, food, lodging, child care and other logistical support for people seeking abortions. Noise For Now is a national initiative that enables artists and entertainers to connect with and financially support grassroots organizations that work in the field of Reproductive Justice, including abortion access and is working with Abortion Care Network to support independent abortion clinics.
Panic Shack– Baby Shack. Up until my recent trip to the UK, I’d only heard one song by this band and didn’t know much else about them, but if the line to get in to see them was any indication, they are pretty popular. I was waiting for Los Bitchos to play at a venue down the street when I found myself with a little extra time and thus stuffed against the back wall of a very crowded Rough Trade in Bristol watching this Cardiff based band, loving what I was hearing. While I wasn’t able to to stay for their whole set, I have enjoyed listening to the EP they released this past April, Baby Shack, several times since the night of that show. Snarky and zippy grunge punk tunes that are right in my musical wheelhouse, I definitely will be keeping my eyes on this band and watching for when they (hopefully) come to the States.
Petrol Girls– Baby. One of the most crucial political bands currently going, their latest album, Baby, is unflinchingly feminist and sharply critical of the interlocking systems of oppression that seek to crush all who are not rich, white, cis, straight and male. And it’s also their most ambitious offering yet musically, an incredibly nuanced and complex record with clever compositions and arrangements, far from the usual “crash and bash” sound the words “political hardcore band” tends to bring to mind with rich layers to uncover as you listen again and again. I just saw the band play in Cardiff and asked them when they think they’ll make it to the States (a 2020 tour was scrapped due to visa issues right as Covid loomed on the horizon) and they said that while no plans are concrete yet, they are hoping to come over in the latter half of 2023. Fingers crossed that this comes to pass because you know I’ll be there front and center.
Chantal- Contributing Writer
Kam Claudel– Romantic Atrocities. Cassette and zine that tells the story, in poignant, poetic singer-songwriter style, of two boys on a road trip in 1997. B-side is a tribute to a beloved 70’s manga. If you know, you know.
Karl Hohn– dirby dreams. A fun EP of surf-rocky tunes that act as a concept for a videogame soundtrack. Come for the guitar work, stay for the groovy Casiotone MT-45.
Nick Vivid– No More Secrets. Funky danceable tunes that will please fans of Midnite Vultures and Skeletal Lamping. I caught him live a few months ago and I definitely recommend that!
Oddysseys– Softcore. Another band I first heard live, Oddysseys (note the spelling) have a dark punk sound and a DIY spirit (and zines at the merch table <3).
Jenifun- Webmistress
John Times Two– Nocturnal Manoeuveres.
Rash Decision– Year of The Silence.
Tin Vulva– Notes From TV Underground.
Juliette Boulay- Contributing Photographer
amelia cry til I die– high on my own supply. Amelia Swain (drums in Sadurn and bass in Ther) has an amazing solo project I didn’t know about until last week. Her songs are genuine, angsty, and healing as a warm bowl of soup. They’re actually so good I made a fun day trip out of going to see her play in Philly last week. I highly recommend this album to anyone who’s ever felt different or misunderstood.
MOP– Bloodlust. This new album by MOP is another shoegaze banger by Oakland duo Moira Brown
and Samuelito Cruz. I found this band by looking through the bands covered by TAGABOW’s label, Smoking Room. It looks like MOP doesn’t tour or have any social media accounts so they’re truly a diamond in the rough in my opinion. Both this album and their prior EP are amazing. Check ’em out!
Mx Lonely– Cadonia. As FTA’s resident shoegaze lover, I wanted to share one of my favorite new albums by Mx Lonely, a cerebral shoegaze band from BK. My favorite track is “Paper Cranes” with the opening track being a close second. The album is a must-listen for anyone who’s ever battled with addiction or just loves hard-hitting slow rock.
Thus Love– Memorial. I’ve been waiting a while for this EP to come out, so I’ll be listening along with anyone who picks up this record. Thus Love’s music is a great listen for anyone who loves Echo and the Bunnymen, Joy Division, or any melancholic post-punk really.
Kate Bell- Contributing Writer
Bacchae– Left of the Dial Live. I recently caught Bacchae opening up for The Linda Lindas at Music Hall of Williamsburg, and they blew me away. Frantic fun from Washington DC!
Elk City– Above the Water. WFMU has been giving a lot of love to this great group from Montclair, New Jersey, and as always, I’m grateful to the best radio station in the world for introducing me to yet another fantastic-sounding band. This doesn’t officially release until 10/22, but you can pre-order now, and they are playing live to celebrate their release on 10/27 at Mama Tried and on 10/30 in Montclair at a house/yard party. I hope to catch one or both of those shows; haven’t seen them live yet.
Johanna Warren– Lessons of Mutants. One of my absolute favorite artists that I discovered during the pandemic, this is Johanna Warren’s first full-length release since 2020’s Chaotic Good, and I could not be more excited. Musical magic from Wales, this album is released on Friday 10/7 aka today!
Leopardo– Malcantone. These lovely folx were on a bill with my band at Our Wicked Lady in September, and they got me dancing. They were on tour all the way from Switzerland.
Mike Borchardt- Contributing Writer
Brook Pridemore–
Glad to Be Alive. I’ve already said enough about this beautiful record (
read my review here). The hand-painted lyric test pressings are all sold out, but the record itself is available for purchase and highly recommended.
Their Entire Catalog. One of the best is calling it quits after a decade of making some killer music. If you can’t make the band’s final show Oct 21 at
Purgatory, then definitely make sure you snag some Haybaby swag on their Bandcamp cuz it’s going fast and when it’s gone, it’s gone.
A Very Special Episode–
Remix Your Hearts or Die. I had the pleasure of doing a remix of one of the band’s songs off their 2021 full length release
Fix Your Hearts or Die. Artists like
Atlas Engine,
Colatura, and
Jon Daily contributed beautiful reimaginings of an already kickass record. The Cigarettes For Breakfast remix alone is worth scooting over to their Bandcamp and purchasing a copy.
Ray Rusinak- Contributing Photographer
Closure- Innocence. This is almost a perfect storm kind of Bandcamp Friday kind of release because to the best of my knowledge bandcamp is the ONLY way to hear or procure this. Making this as short and simple as possible, Closure is a post punk quintet out of Indonesia that harkens back to the days of early The Cure, The Chameleons (UK) and especially Sisters of Mercy, this album will immediately make you want to load up on that black eyeliner.
Drew Beskin & The Sunshine- Somewhere Sideways Same As You. Beskin just might be the most talented and prolific songwriter absolutely no one (outside of Athens, GA) knows of. He’s been churning out masterful albums for over 10 years now with bands like The District Attorneys, Party Dolls, Purses, as well as under his own name. Somewhere Same As You follows in his tried and true formula of intelligent lyrics backed by soulful pop with a southern sensibility.
Nick Cory Young- Crow Got Drunk. If you, like me, are a fan of mid 90’s alternative rock that wore its allegiance to Neil Young right on its sleeve for all to see and more importantly hear, then Crow Got Drunk is the album for you. I’m talking about bands like The Lemonheads, Soul Asylum, early Wilco and The Old 97s to name just a few. You’ll hear traces of all of these and then some throughout Crow Got Drunk.
Remember Sports- Leap Day EP. Remember Sports is yet another Philly indie band that has captured my attention over the past couple of years. With a vocal style which reminds me of Katie Crutchfeld of Waxahatchee, vocalist, guitarist and primary songwriter, Carmen Perry sounds as good as ever on this one. Interestingly, while listening to Leap Day, I did think to myself that this one definitely had a little bit more of a synthy/dance kind of feel to it compared to past efforts. Then I saw that the band recorded this EP without a human drummer and I can’t help but feel that the drum machines and the rhythms produced had a direct cause and effect on this sound…one which I quite liked, I might add.
Timeshares- Limb. Timeshares have been making the rounds on the pop punk touring circuite (especially here in the Northeast (they currently call Philadelphia home but are originally from Long Island) and have really hit their stride with Limb, their fourth full length. Playing a version of pop punk which incorporates both the punk rawness (and sometimes sloppiness) of The Replacements mixed with the alt-country sensibilities of a band like Slobberbone, Limb just might be their most accomplished album thus far.
by FTA Staff | Sep 30, 2022
Hi! Hello! Here we are with some bite sized goodies and a taste of some new things that we dug that came out in the last week(ish), quick fire responses to some great new music we think you should check out. This week Chantal, Kate and Mike weighed in on some killer songs, so give em a listen!
As always, if you’re in a band or from a label, don’t hesitate to reach out and let us know about you! If we dig ya, you’ll get a nod in the column. Read on to find out what we dug the last week or so:
Bonny Light Horseman– Someone to Weep For Me. A bit of a supergroup, Bonny Light Horseman is the trio of Eric D. Johnson (Fruit Bats) Josh Kaufman (Muzz) and Anaïs Mitchell (Hadestown), all of whom have long resumes as artists and collaborators. The three come together seamlessly on this folk Americana track, the fifth and final single from their sophomore record Rolling Golden Holy which will be out next week. I’m a big fan of the vocal melody on this one. Catch them December 14th at Music Hall of Williamsburg. [CW]
Color Tongue– Good Science/Little Gray Cloud/Berries. The Brooklyn indie psych dream poppers just released an ambitious series of three new singles which we adored. Listen below and read more in depth thoughts here. [MB]
Ghost Funk Orchestra- Why? Why? Cuz Brooklyn’s favorite big band ensemble hits us this week with the track “Why?” a follow up to their recently released “Scatter.” Full on funk bass-lines and robust but soulful vocals again carry this track through from start to finish. Dotted with walls of horns, this track has a slightly crisper feel than its predecessor “Scatter.” Masterminded by Seth Applebaum, “Why?” has given the perfect space in the song’s mix to pan and sprinkle bits of percussion and keys in all those little cracks and crevices. Crank the track through your best set of headphones for some top shelf ASMR dreams. Looking forward to the upcoming full length release, A New Kind of Love, as Applebaum and crew really know how to pump out those big scale sounds. [MB]
Gloin– Work Patrol. This band was one of my favorite discoveries of 2022 and I first encountered them when they opened for Snapped Ankles earlier this year (see our coverage). Now the Toronto based noise rock post punk outfit is gearing up to release their debut full length, We Found This, and just dropped the second single “Work Patrol”. Featuring lead vocals from bassist Vic Byers (who splits lead duties from song to song with guitarist John Watson) it’s a noisey rager which sees her taking on the role of an asshole boss giving each and every one of their employees a hard time just for the sake of it (you know the type!). The song comes with a “very bitchin video” directed by Phil Osborne and pairs nicely with the previously released single “Shoot To Kill.” They self describe as “drawing inspiration from Sonic Youth’s nonchalant verve and Lightning Bolt’s aggressive sonic constructs” and I’m not sure about anyone else, but that ticks a hell of a lot of boxes for me. We Found This releases in full on 10/21 via Mothland. [KH]
Lucy Dacus– Home Again/It’s Too Late (Carole King covers). Lucy Dacus just kicked off a US tour (that will unfortunately not make a stop in NYC) and in conjunction, her two Carole King Tapestry covers have hit streaming services. Released earlier this year as part of a limited 7inch that came with Third Man Records’ Carole King Home Again vault package, the songs are now widely available. Elaborating on her feelings about King in a Guardian feature on the legendary artist, Dacus said “When I listened to Tapestry from my mom’s CD collection, I was young enough that it didn’t register as good or bad – it just defined what music sounded like to me, and it’s still a foundation of how I understand songwriting. She’s clever in the good way – queen of internal rhyme – and I love how her melodies reinforce the tone of the lyrics. She keeps it simple, but that’s what makes it universal,” adding that when she was asked to perform the covers “it was a no brainer. Her work feels like part of my DNA and I’m grateful for it.” [KH]
Nation of Language– From The Hill. Brand new music from the New York post punk wunderkinds, this one is a dreamy addition to their already impressive new wave-esque synth pop rock catalog. Of the song singer Ian Devaney said “‘From The Hill’ is a song reflecting on times when friendships fall apart over romantic entanglement, accompanied by the sensation that you’re somehow watching it happen from above with a more zoomed-out perspective. It can feel at times like certain parts of life are a story with which you’re just following along – the characters enter, they play their role, and then they leave. Often it’ll feel sudden and catch you off guard, and other times you’re able to see that it’s the only way things could have played out despite what you may have wanted.”
This song appears to be a stand alone and has not come with the announcement of a new album to follow up 2021’s A Way Forward. Devaney added “For us, we’re in a moment right now where it feels good to get this out into the world. It’s one that didn’t really feel like it fit the vibe of A Way Forward, nor is it any real indication of where the next record is likely heading. When that situation arrives we like to use these 7″ releases to step outside the larger framework that the albums provide and just release a track that we love, so this is us doing that once again.” [KH]
Meat Wave– 10k. The final single from the upcoming album, Malign Hex (10/14 Swami), this is packed with the classic Meat Wave anxious vocal snarl, driving drums, and intense guitars I love about this band complete with a cool subdued break in the middle of the song that is over and right back to the drive before you know it. I can’t wait for the full album. [KH]
NOFX– Darby Crashing Your Party. Is NOFX breaking up? Are they not breaking up? Fat Mike recently alluded to that fact on Instagram saying 2023 would be the band’s final year, but now they have announced a new album, Double Album, the follow up to 2021’s Single Album. So at this point it’s anyone’s guess what will happen but the record is due out December 2nd (via Fat Wreck Chords) and they have some fest dates for the rest of the year. As for this song, it hardly breaks any new ground for the band either musically or lyrically, and is very firmly that classic NOFX pop punk sound, but I did enjoy the lithe, high on the neck bass line from Fat Mike, showcasing his skill on the instrument. [KH]
Pearla– About Hunger, About Love. The third single from Pearla’s upcoming debut album Oh Glistening Onion, The Nighttime Is Coming is a lushly produced slice of folk rock, with the singer’s lovely voice buoyed by the music, including layers of guitar both acoustic and electric. The song is a tale of longing, with modern loneliness juxtaposed against nature (“And nobody told the woodpecker to knock all day for bugs / So what should I know? What do I do for love?”) Pearla will be at Union Pool on October 21st. [CW]
Restraining Order– Fight Back. Channelling their classic 1980s hardcore forefathers, the Massachusetts based band have released a track that feels nostalgic and familiar but brand new all at the same time. This is primed and ready to become a super fun sing along staple at their shows. [KH]
Smut– Let Me Hate. Like the first single, this new offering is another emotional gut punch, with singer Tay Roebuck reflecting on recurring dreams she had after the death of her younger sister. In a press release she shared “For years after my sister’s death I could not dream about her. I’d hear my family members talk about her visiting them in dreams and telling them she’s okay or misses them, there was a lot of mysticism going on in the first few years. When I did start having dreams she was always out of reach, walking into another room as I entered or people would be assuring me she was present somewhere if I could find her. ‘Let Me Hate’ is about the first time I had a dream where my little sister spoke to me after she died. I knew if I let her go she’d slip away and when I woke up I was angry at myself. So it’s a very literal song.” The song came paired with a lyric video created by band member Aidan O’Connor and utilizes photos from the band’s recent summer tour with Wavves.
How the Light Felt will be released on 11/11 via Bayonet Records; the band will play Brooklyn a day later at Alphaville. [KH]
Snapped Ankles– The Fish Needs A Bike (Blurt cover). The wonderfully weird band is back in the US for a short run of dates around the Desert Daze fest (and sadly will not make it to NYC this time around) and while here have also released a brand new single, a cover of the pulsing 1979 cult classic by English post punk/no wave act Blurt. On their Bandcamp, Snapped Ankles shared “Blurt are a big deal back in the forest. We focused our logs on a band that we’ve always admired for their dedication to the simplicity of groove, and their outsider stance. They’ve been Blurting out primal rhythms and absurd poetry for over forty years. They’re an example to us all!” While they don’t change the arrangement all that much structurally, the modern recording techniques make it sound bigger and they replace the sax with synth (and go heavier on the synths throughout) for a song that could easily fit within their own catalog. Listen to both versions below. [KH]
Titus Andronicus– Baby Crazy. The esteemed rock institution released their seventh album The Will To Live today and just day ahead of it, they dropped “Baby Crazy” as the final preview single accompanied with an official lyric video featuring singer Patrick Stickles in the recording booth with the lyrics scrolling over top like movie credits. In a press release Stickles elaborated “As inscrutable as some of my artistic choices may sometimes appear, I do wish to be understood, as communication is the purpose of all art. This led me to approach this song as something of a user’s guide for the album, wherein I explicate as clearly as I can the meaning behind the recurring symbology I utilize throughout—the mother, the father, the baby, etc. It is my hope that this will lead the listener to a richer listening experience…or they can just tap their foot to it, whatever works” [KH]
by FTA Staff | Sep 29, 2022
Pussy Riot at (le) poisson rouge (photo by Juliette Boulay)
A decade removed from their initial burst onto the world stage after being wrongfully imprisoned for an anti Vladimir Putin performance, artpunk provocateurs and political activists, Pussy Riot, recently came to New York for an intense and sensual evening to celebrate the release of their mixtape, Matriarchy Now. This latest release saw the group collaborating with the likes of Big Freedia, mazie, Phoebe Ryan and more. Band leader Nadya Tolokonnikova had just been on the news earlier that day with Anderson Cooper but she easily swapped roles from talking head on cable news to captivating front woman and hit the stage in a full latex nun getup—whip and all—to the delight of fans.
While the band is often labeled “punk,” sound wise they fall more into the hyper pop genre with punk serving as a framework and the ethos by which they operate. In a recent interview with The Independent, Tolokonnikova elaborated on that fact and said “We chose punk rock for the first songs just because we thought it was funny,” she says. “I’ve never played the guitar, and none of the core Pussy Riot members ever played any punk rock instruments. I like punk culture, and the punk ethos, but I don’t really listen to punk music that much.” In the same interview she also spoke about how Dominatrix culture is “a really potent source of inspiration for me as a feminist, because it turns upside down the models of oppression that have been used on us for ages. Dominatrix culture requires the consent of every party involved.”
Indeed, this influence was evident in the stage performance and the evening was filled with balaclava clad dancers, whips, and plenty of crowd participation in a sex positive performance that included Tolokonnikova singing from the crowd at one point. One of the dancers told FTA afterwards that the show was a “really liberating experience.”

Pussy Riot at LPR
The setlist—complete with the Ukrainian national anthem—left no chance anyone who wasn’t previously familiar with Pussy Riot’s work didn’t know where the group stands politically with subjects of feminism, power, police brutality and political violence taking center stage.
Support came from opening act, Boyfriend, who worked the crowd and primed them for the evening to come, wearing a multi layered wedding dress outfit and playing a cover of the LeTigre classic “Deceptacon.” Madge played the middle slot with a hyper pop set accompanied by a DJ and live drummer. Their performance was filled with raunchy lyrics and a dancer who whipped lollipops into the excited and exuberantly dancing crowd.
Scroll down for setlist, videos, and pics of the show (photos by Juliette Boulay)
Pussy Riot setlist: Intro/Police State, Black Snow, Tatu/Plastic, Punish You/My Agenda, Toxic, Princess Charming, Plaything, Matriarchy Now (video), Hangerz, Rage/Rage Remix, Chastity, Dance with the Devil, Ukrainian National Anthem, 1312, Hatefuck, Panic Attack